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Sibo's Microcosm

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

the dixie beastie boys

Yeah, we've all heard about how the Dixie Chicks have been screwed by their criticism of Bush. And at the Oscar's earlier this week, Mike Moore's unscripted bashing of Bush raised more eyebrows.

"They're here in solidarity with me because we like non-fiction. We like non-fiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in a time with fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time when we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. Whether it is the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts, we are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush! Shame on you! …You're time is up."

His rant was cut short by the orchestra, which started playing very, very loudly. Moore was booed off the stage. Seems like any celebrity who speaks out strongly against attacking Iraq is poorly received by the public.

Unless, the celebrity already has no public acceptance. Then they have nothing to lose. As it is in the case of the Beastie Boys. On a new anti-war song, along with these quotes are posted:

"We felt it was important to comment on where the US appears to be heading now. A war in Iraq will not resolve our problems. It can only result in the deaths of many innocent civilians and US troops. If we are truly striving for safety, we need to build friendships, not try to bully the rest of the world."
- Adam Yauch

"Being together, writing and recording, we felt it would be irresponsible not to address what’s going on in the world while the events are still current. It didn’t make sense to us to wait until the entire record was finished to release this song."
- Mike D

"This song is not an anti-American or pro-Saddam Hussein statement. This is a statement against an unjustified war."
- Adam Horovitz

Download the song here. I normally don't enjoy the Beastie Boys but I'll make an exception.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

new link

You will notice I've linked to Tara Zuber's Simply Cacophony blog on the left.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

for you non-believers

Thanks to Alex, who gave me the following link:

Freaky Crystal Ball

Yeah, I know how it works.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

bush is the antichrist

I try to keep Signature Monitor a relatively nonpartisan source of news and commentary. Which is why I can't post the following HILARIOUS link on SM:

Bush is the antiChrist

Tuesday, March 11, 2003



Friday, March 07, 2003


if Reitz offered AP Physics next year I'd really consider going back to Reitz.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003


Why do you give me guidelines,
That try to tell me who I am.

If I must,
I will abide
but my spirit will not.

All I ask,
is that you trust that
I'm telling the truth when
I say
enough is enough.

Enough is enough!
Let me set the rules now.
Let me lead.
Let me show you how it feels to be


coolest site ever