Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Monday, January 27, 2003
"So what you tried 'Dim Sum,' and den some on the menu.
So what you a fan of Lucy Liu.
So what you read 'The Joy Luck Club' too.
That makes you an expert on how I should look?
(Expletive) you!
What the (expletive) do you know about being Asian?"
-Yellow Rage, "Listen Asshole"
So what you a fan of Lucy Liu.
So what you read 'The Joy Luck Club' too.
That makes you an expert on how I should look?
(Expletive) you!
What the (expletive) do you know about being Asian?"
-Yellow Rage, "Listen Asshole"
Sunday, January 26, 2003
Superbowl XXXVII
Tampa Bay wins. Dunno the score but Tampa's defense just owned.
My favorite ads in no particular order:
"hey, can I get one of those hot dogs"
"yo, yao, yo, yao...."
matrix reloaded
matrix revolution
Tampa Bay wins. Dunno the score but Tampa's defense just owned.
My favorite ads in no particular order:
"hey, can I get one of those hot dogs"
"yo, yao, yo, yao...."
matrix reloaded
matrix revolution
Monday, January 20, 2003
random again
Oh look,
Some people on my buddylist are online
Elliot, Martin, Sunil, Alex, Matt, Dan, Chris, Ben, Maggie, Will, Cassie, Will, Vanita, Erica, GemEb87, Khizar, PrincessGurl022, Jay Ray, Kevin, David, Bobby, Scott, and Chris
But at least I'm not chatting right now
AIM is evil
Wastes sooo much time
Oh look,
Some people on my buddylist are online
Elliot, Martin, Sunil, Alex, Matt, Dan, Chris, Ben, Maggie, Will, Cassie, Will, Vanita, Erica, GemEb87, Khizar, PrincessGurl022, Jay Ray, Kevin, David, Bobby, Scott, and Chris
But at least I'm not chatting right now
AIM is evil
Wastes sooo much time
random 2
"the art of procrastination 2"
Did I mention, the paper is over
Chinese leaders?
Who? Not Hu. That would be dumb.
No, they're my buddies
Sun, Chiang, Mao, Zhou, Deng, and Jiang
"the art of procrastination 2"
Did I mention, the paper is over
Chinese leaders?
Who? Not Hu. That would be dumb.
No, they're my buddies
Sun, Chiang, Mao, Zhou, Deng, and Jiang
"the art of procrastination"
Sun Tzi's got nothing on this
the TV the games
the entertaining educational tool known as the Internet
to procrastinate
or "proke" for short
is to be lazy and put off one's duties
to proke in time of joy
is to multiply one's joy
a thousand fold
to proke in time of urgency
is to not do one's four page government essay
due tomorrow
"the art of procrastination"
Sun Tzi's got nothing on this
the TV the games
the entertaining educational tool known as the Internet
to procrastinate
or "proke" for short
is to be lazy and put off one's duties
to proke in time of joy
is to multiply one's joy
a thousand fold
to proke in time of urgency
is to not do one's four page government essay
due tomorrow
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Inappropriate post #2
Second in the line of posts inappropriate for the Signature Monitor, now I've found out that Alex and I COULD have attended districts for debate after all. GAH MANICKE WHY??!!!!!! I'm just going to post the AIM convo during which I found this out:
Second in the line of posts inappropriate for the Signature Monitor, now I've found out that Alex and I COULD have attended districts for debate after all. GAH MANICKE WHY??!!!!!! I'm just going to post the AIM convo during which I found this out:
mikebknight: i talked to trey
mikebknight: and he said that you guys could have come
s ee b o l: WTKWFw
s ee b o l: wt
s ee b o l: f
s ee b o l: w
s ee b o l: wtwFFWFtw
s ee b o l: twFFFF
s ee b o l: kjlkewalkjdsf
s ee b o l: lk
s ee b o l: sdakl[spld
s ee b o l: r
The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
mikebknight: just had to pay a fee at the tourney
mikebknight: because central did that with one of their people
mikebknight: mrs manicke told me u guys didnt go because u were "jv all year." i was like, no, they didnt go because ur an idiot
s ee b o l: ok sorry my rate limit went over for a sec
s ee b o l: damn
s ee b o l: iatjn
Friday, January 17, 2003
It's the AZN...betta rec-kuh-niz!
For those of you who haven't heard, Shaquille O'neal made comments about Houston Rockets's center, Yao Ming, #1 draft pick this year from China. The comments were made in a contrived accent and followed up with a few kung-fu moves.
Maybe the remarks were made out of fear--Ming has so far outperformed Shaq. He's been refered to as Chairman Yao--in an attempt to compare him to Chinese idol Mao Zedong. I think a more relevant comparison would be to Jackie Robinson. Yao is our Jackie Robinson.
With the first O'neal-Ming matchup on the court tonight, more attention has been turned towards these comments. Many Asian-American organizations have denounced Shaq. I enjoy this picture from Yahoo:
But seriously, Shaq has apologized and said he was only joking--I believe his intentions. If his remarks really offend Asian groups, don't blame the messanger; the problem is rooted in our society.
We stereotype everyone, from rich white men to federal convicts to big black men to hot blondes to Southerners. Get over it brothas. Let's all learn to be racially tolerant.
The AZN lives! Long live Chairman Yao! May he smear African-American butt tonight!
For those of you who haven't heard, Shaquille O'neal made comments about Houston Rockets's center, Yao Ming, #1 draft pick this year from China. The comments were made in a contrived accent and followed up with a few kung-fu moves.
Maybe the remarks were made out of fear--Ming has so far outperformed Shaq. He's been refered to as Chairman Yao--in an attempt to compare him to Chinese idol Mao Zedong. I think a more relevant comparison would be to Jackie Robinson. Yao is our Jackie Robinson.
With the first O'neal-Ming matchup on the court tonight, more attention has been turned towards these comments. Many Asian-American organizations have denounced Shaq. I enjoy this picture from Yahoo:

But seriously, Shaq has apologized and said he was only joking--I believe his intentions. If his remarks really offend Asian groups, don't blame the messanger; the problem is rooted in our society.
We stereotype everyone, from rich white men to federal convicts to big black men to hot blondes to Southerners. Get over it brothas. Let's all learn to be racially tolerant.
The AZN lives! Long live Chairman Yao! May he smear African-American butt tonight!
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Perhaps signs of things better yet to come?
President Bush's job approval has slipped to 58 percent in a new CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll, the first time it has fallen below 60 percent in that poll since before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
While still solid overall, his approval was down 5
points from a week ago. Bush's job approval is higher than that of former presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton at this stage of their presidencies, however, and about the same as his father had 12 years ago. Full Text
NFL Picks
By NFL I do not mean National Forensics League now, as I did in the last few posts. Of course I'm referring to the National Football League. My picks: Titans over Philadelphia and Tampa Bay over Oakland. Remember, you heard it here first.
By NFL I do not mean National Forensics League now, as I did in the last few posts. Of course I'm referring to the National Football League. My picks: Titans over Philadelphia and Tampa Bay over Oakland. Remember, you heard it here first.
Since we're on the subject of things that might not happen if there is not enough preparation, I realllly hope tennis at Signature goes through. I'd love to play on the team--albeit the girls' team--actually that's not bad at all--but I have no idea if it is really going to happen. It'd be so sweet if it did occur though. Advantage Courts membership and Head Racquet sponsorship. How awesome would that be. How much would that suck if we were too late to qualify for membership into the Indiana High School Athletic Association because we didn't send some email to register us.
Since we're on the subject of things that might not happen if there is not enough preparation, I realllly hope tennis at Signature goes through. I'd love to play on the team--albeit the girls' team--actually that's not bad at all--but I have no idea if it is really going to happen. It'd be so sweet if it did occur though. Advantage Courts membership and Head Racquet sponsorship. How awesome would that be. How much would that suck if we were too late to qualify for membership into the Indiana High School Athletic Association because we didn't send some email to register us.
Fresh Rants
Ok I haven't updated this site in a while because I found it too much of a hassle to post everything I posted on SignatureMonitor on this site as well. So most of my news has been on SM. But now I have to release some emotion in a bona fide rant that I didn't think was appropriate for SM.
Ok, for Debate, in order to qualify for the Nationals tournament, you have to be in the top 2 in your debate district. My school district is composed of Reitz, Memorial, Ben Davis, West Lafayette, and other relatively policy-inept schools--me and Alex had a good chance for qualifying for Nationals.
But as I said, you have to be in the top 2 in your district--this is determined by a districts debate tournament, which is going to be held this weekend at Ben Davis. BUT MY COACH FREAKING DIDN"T SIGN UOP AALESX AS A NFL MEMBERSOOON ENOUGH GODJFDFEEASAAA. So he's inelgible to compete, and there's no point in me partnering with anyone because we can't bring enough total teams then so that two teams from our district could qual for nationals, meaning I'd have to beat Amy and Nirav to qual which is a futile and conterproductive action.
NOw my coach not signing up Alex wouldn't be soo AGREEAAAVATEING if I hadn't been tealling her to update membership and poitns since CHRISTMAS BREAK I wrote a freaking letter for her to email to the NFL to update membership IN NOVEMBER and all she had to do was email it in from her email address. GODDDDDDDDD. MDANIAT.
ok. I think I'm ok. ok. I love ms. manicke. ok.
I just wish she would use email more often.
Ok I haven't updated this site in a while because I found it too much of a hassle to post everything I posted on SignatureMonitor on this site as well. So most of my news has been on SM. But now I have to release some emotion in a bona fide rant that I didn't think was appropriate for SM.
Ok, for Debate, in order to qualify for the Nationals tournament, you have to be in the top 2 in your debate district. My school district is composed of Reitz, Memorial, Ben Davis, West Lafayette, and other relatively policy-inept schools--me and Alex had a good chance for qualifying for Nationals.
But as I said, you have to be in the top 2 in your district--this is determined by a districts debate tournament, which is going to be held this weekend at Ben Davis. BUT MY COACH FREAKING DIDN"T SIGN UOP AALESX AS A NFL MEMBERSOOON ENOUGH GODJFDFEEASAAA. So he's inelgible to compete, and there's no point in me partnering with anyone because we can't bring enough total teams then so that two teams from our district could qual for nationals, meaning I'd have to beat Amy and Nirav to qual which is a futile and conterproductive action.
NOw my coach not signing up Alex wouldn't be soo AGREEAAAVATEING if I hadn't been tealling her to update membership and poitns since CHRISTMAS BREAK I wrote a freaking letter for her to email to the NFL to update membership IN NOVEMBER and all she had to do was email it in from her email address. GODDDDDDDDD. MDANIAT.
ok. I think I'm ok. ok. I love ms. manicke. ok.
I just wish she would use email more often.